The cost of the 9-week course is $457; however, financial ease is priceless.

Client Responsibility:
I freely consent to coaching from Liz Carroll (as known as "Mindful Money Coaches, LLC”). I agree that I am solely responsible for creating and implementing my own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results arising out of or resulting from the coaching relationship, coaching sessions and/or interactions with Liz. As such, you agree that Liz is not and will not be liable or responsible for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by Liz and/or Mindful Money Coaches, LLC. Coaching is not psychotherapy or counseling. It does not address mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. My meetings with Liz are not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, mental health care, substance abuse treatment or medical care.  If I am struggling from a medical or psychological perspective, I will access professionals in these fields. I am 100% responsible for myself, my choices and behaviors. 

Acknowledgment and Release of Liability:
I acknowledge that I understand the above information. Furthermore, I agree to hold harmless Liz Carroll and Mindful Money Coaches, LLC from all liabilities and claims which may arise as a result of my participation in coaching.

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Feel Freedom & Relief with the Mindful Money Method


LIVE Summer Class 2024

Learn the Mindful Money Method, a proven process to Financial Wellness. Financial Wellness is a state of being and essential in creating the financial future of your dreams. It requires awareness, clarity, vision and meaningful action. Money is emotional. The Mindful Money Method teaches you to identify and choose your financial emotions intentionally. Most women feel immediate relief. Then we work our way to calm, confidence in all present and future financial decisions. This unique method creates financial ease.

In our time together, you will improve your relationship with money. The benefits of an improved money relationship will last a lifetime.

Just like you can’t get a positive result from a negative thought, you can’t live in abundance when you are making decisions from scarcity. Now is the time to switch the narrative. You are ready!

In the 9-module course you will learn how to:

  1. Identify your values & desires around money.
  2. Manage the flow of your money, the incoming & outgoing.
  3. Create a freedom & relief
  4. Communicate with family & friends about money.
  5. Observe & identify what you are thinking about money.
  6. Pause & feel your emotions prior to making a purchase.
  7. Listen & clarify your personal money story.
  8. Witness in the cause & effect of your money.
  9. Decide to commit & follow through on your plan.

Nine Tuesdays at 1 PM Pacific:

  • July 2
  • July 9
  • July 16
  • July 23
  • July 30
  • August 6
  • August 13
  • August 20
  • August 27

Each week there will be accompanying coursework exercises to complete for the class. Plan an hour of your time.

Classes will be recorded and posted to the course platform.

Registration closes on Wednesday, July 26th at 9 PM Pacific.

This information is proven successful; however, if you are unsatisfied with the course I offer a money back guarantee within the first 14 days of the course.

Liz, you have helped me feel not so overwhelmed and not so alone in the feeling that many women have. Feeling safe and secure is huge for me and I’ve already taken steps to help ease some stressful parts and I’m working slowly on others. - Winter 2023 participant