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25 Powerful Affirmations for Financial Wellness and Emotional Wealth

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2024

Why Affirmations:

Affirmations are words of emotional support and encouragement toward a desired outcome. I like thinking of them as a prayer of transformation involving action or movement rather than an identity like “I am strong.”

Why are seven-word affirmations so powerful? Seven words keep your affirming thought clear and concise, easy to memorize. In numerology, the number seven is believed to be insightful, intuitive, truthful, introspective, intellectual, and wise, all important attributes to accompany your wealth building journey.

Words matter. Being mindful of the words you use to speak to yourself matters. Positivity is essential in an affirmation so is ownership, using I or my.

I encourage you to try each of these thoughts on like a sweater. How does it feel? Like the buttery softness of cashmere or the rough coarseness of burlap? Where do you feel the words inside your body? The stomach, heart, throat or head are typical places to feel thoughts within you.

 25 Powerful Affirmations:

  • I am a unique and competent woman.
  • I trust the wisdom inside of me.
  • I accept and experience all of my feelings.
  • I am in touch with my intuition.
  • I am aligned in values and desires.
  • I am working towards what’s important to me.
  • I create harmony in work and life.
  • I am the director of my life.
  • I am the editor of my story.
  • I am forgiving, blessing and releasing everyone.
  • I am open to learning about money.
  • I am setting myself up financially, forever.
  • I am committed to becoming financially free.
  • I feel calm confidence with money decisions.
  • I make wise financial and life decisions.
  • I know how to tap into flow.
  • I am now attracting everything I need.
  • I am improving my relationship with money.
  • I am resilient and confident in change.
  • I am worthy of abundance and success.
  • My mindset supports my wealth and wellbeing.
  • I celebrate life and abundance every day.
  • I raise my vibe and good happens.
  • Today I love myself as I am.
  • All is well in my abundant world.

Which one did you like the most when you tried it on? Write it down on a post-it note and place it on your desk or bathroom mirror so you can practice it daily. You may want to record yourself saying with the voice memo option on your phone so you can hear it regularly in your own voice. I like to write mine daily in my journal as a reminder to encourage myself throughout the day.

 Here are a few bonus affirmations I personally love practicing:

  • I am a millionaire that inspires others.
  • I expand in love and abundance daily.
  • I help women improve their money relationship.
  • I live a rich and radiant life.

I’ve been a collector of positive and powerful affirmations for a few decades. Many of these have been inspired by other thoughtful women like Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain, Lisa Nichols and Danette May.  I sit in gratitude for the women that have encouraged me.

May your light guide you to wealth!

Blessings, Liz Carroll

If you'd like to join a group of women creating more positivity for themselves on their wealth building journey, learn the Mindful Money Method with other women just like you. You can learn the Mindful Money Method on your own, with a group class or one-one with Financial Life & Wellness Coach, Liz Carroll.


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